Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The quest of why

I have always enjoyed writing though there has been a bit of a love hate relationship with it over the years.  It started in school where I had a lot to say, I mean write but school was to busy worrying about neatness, my hand writing always was messy and spelling, I have a hard time spelling kat.  So always getting a failing grade I basically stopped using big words and wrote only the bare minimum to get by.  Yet I had all this stuff in my head bursting to get out.  Years later I discovered the internet and spell checker!  Now I can get stuff out on forums, have it neat and tidy looking and spell checked so I don’t look/feel like a total idiot.  Sometimes my opinions got me into a lot of hot water.  Ok not sometimes, a lot of time.  At times it made me so angry I could burst or so depressed and second guessing myself I could just lay down and die. 

Though I found one thing out, expressing myself via the written word isn’t such a bad thing, it has allowed me the chance to get stuff out, look at it, analyze it and often, change my opinion of it or polish the existing opinion.  So not such a bad thing after all, even all those emotions were not bad, in fact they made me aware that if I get emotional over something there is a reason, start exploring why. 

Ahhh why, one of the best questions of mankind.  The start and end of discovery.

The question why is amazing.  I have learned to love the word why and tend to ask myself that a lot.  Be it about some really far out philosophical question about the universe or why does my water pump make the noise it does on my new RV.  Maybe I should have called this blog the quest of why because that is exactly what I am on, the quest to answer why.  I started it many years ago and I suspect I will be on it till the day I die, at least I hope so.

So here I am writing my first entry in this blog.   Why a blog, well it’s simple, I wanted an outlet just to write about stuff that is rolling around in my head.  Some of it silly, some of it well highly charged emotionally.  When not if I ruffle a bit of feathers along the way I want people to ask themselves why.